Thursday, May 24, 2012

Banana Cake

Lat night some of my friends invited me to dinner as post birthday celebration. for desert they baked one of my recipes from the cookbook - Banana Cake. It was so good that I thought I would share it with the blog readers.

Banana Cake is very simple. The original recipe bakes two round layers and uses Whipped Cream for the frosting.  Last night the baked it in a loaf pan and added chocolate frosting.  Either way is very tasty!!


Use your favorite yellow cake mix or your favorite from scratch recipe.  Add two medium bananas that you have mixed to a liquid state.  Follow the directions for your recipe.  It is that simple. When it is done let it cool and then ice as you wish. Here are some suggestions.

1. Make sweetened whipped cream and use as your icing. Be sure to keep the cake in the refrigerator until time to serve.  I recommend using powdered sugar to sweeten the cream. It will keep it from separating and it will hold its shape.

2. You Can put slices of banana and/or strawberry in the middle with the whipped cream, if you like. However that means you really cannot save overnight the cake as they will cause the whipped cream to soften after about an hour.  Bavarian cream will work better.

3.Add a layer of chocolate in the middle or ice with chocolate butter cream

I hope you enjoy this recipe. It is simple. The cake will be very moist!