At this point your turkey is thawed and ready to go into the brine tonight or tomorrow. Any last minute shopping to do I recommend it be done today. Here are some things that always help me bet organized.
1. Do a place setting and see if you have all the flatware, glasses and dishes you need. I also set the empty serving dishes on the table to see if they will all fit and to make sure I have the right size dish for sides. If you are low on room now, just wait until the dinner guests are here.
2. A side area or side board. I sometime set up a side area for things like a crock pot for extra gravy or potatoes since those are always in demand. I find it easier to have those handy rather than in the kitchen. If you are planning a buffet style this also helps keep the flow going. For a buffet style dinner to work you need to think about the area and the traffic flow. If everything is on the table then all the guests have to juggle plates and people to get their food.
3. Do ahead items can be done today too. Cheesecake can be made today and it will be fine for Thursday. As will Pumpkin Pie. If you want do some of your prep - chop celery or onions and put them in a plastic bag.
The best Thanksgiving is when YOU have time to enjoy the meal too! So take a moment and relax and do some planning now. It will make it easier.