Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Food Costs

As we all know the cost of food has risen lately.  Besides looking for bargains, you may want to start thinking ahead for fall.  I know it is over 100 here in Las Vegas and somehow the thought of cooking stews, roast etc is not on the top of our list.  But as the seasons change so do the prices on some items. Here are some hints that may help.

1. If you have meat that is freezer burned don't throw it out.   You can use that in stews or to make stocks and soups.

2. Save your old bones.  If you have trimmed a chicken or you do not use all the parts, put them in a freezer bag and make it for stock.  The same is true of vegetables - put your onion skins and ends of celery etc in a bag and freeze them. They still have flavor and although they may not be pretty, they will add a great flavor to soups, gravies and stock.

3. Bread - if you don't eat the heal or you have some bread that is drying out, make bread crumbs. Old fashioned but very frugal.  And you know what it is them!

4. Left over gravy or sauces.  Freeze these in an ice cube tray and them put the cubes in a freezer bag. Sometime you need a little something extra and theses come in handy.

So you got any tricks???  Share them in the comment section.  Fall is not that far off and the holiday season is around the corner.  I hope this helps you save money and cook more!!